Mar 16, 2022Role vs Identity: How to Effectively Use Our Minority Status to Identify, Minimize and Utilize BiasMarch 18, 2022, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., via Zoom Join us for an engaging and timely discussion in which Katy Goshtasbi, Attorney and...
Mar 9, 2022U.S. Supreme Court ClerkshipsPALSD is proud to co-sponsor this event: Free virtual event! RSVP here.
Mar 8, 2022To Law StudentsWe invite law students to apply to serve as PALSD representatives. Deadline to apply: March 29, 2022 Please see flyer below for...
Mar 8, 2022Notice of Annual MeetingALL CANDIDATES for PALSD's 2023 Board of Directors! Deadline to submit your statements: March 22, 2022 ALL PALSD members! Annual meeting...
Feb 14, 2022Call for PALSD In-House Subcommittee Volunteers!The In-House Roundtable is making a return, and we are looking for volunteers to join the PALSD In-House Committee to plan the event. The...
Dec 8, 2021Renew your PALSD membership today!2022 is the year of the Tiger, a symbol of strength and braveness. If you'd like to brave the new year with PALSD members and join them...